How do you engineer failure, ushering change that the people receive as their doing. While ensuring that the master of the people remains in the shadows?
You use a Court Jester like Justin Trudeau. A puppet controlled by a puppet master. Create a mess on all levels of society in order to present failing. I am amazed how far we as people have allowed it to go.
If this was a perception, cognition, or behavioural test I fear we have failed in a spectacular manner. We were taken to a point where first came the foreign politicians attempting to explain who our leader is. That did nothing and than I was the celebrity. Still little to no response.
Before you jump to conclusion I want you to understand. What I am saying is not a judgement but rather a description of our reality. You Canadian is your primary identifier I see you as a family member and we as a family need to figure this out.
If we fail to realize our world in a principal form, we will continue to be mislead. The end-state of us misplacing our responses is a loss that goes beyond the everything, to include ourselves.

This piece was inspired by this article