Why would Trump ever think it is him or his claims that made Trudeau resign? He knows who the real leader of Canada is.
It was the master you share with Trudeau who made him resign. He has completed the assigned tasks and now needs a need sock puppet the people will cheer for to finalize the agenda.
Harper knows who I am talking about. The guy you sold our nation to in the name of development that no Canadian asked for.
The guy who have seized our institutions and resources under the guise of management. I have to ask what is left?
So while people cheer for the resignation., all you will end up with is a new face with the old agenda.
When Canadians claim their country isn't for sell. It was sold two decades ago. As a result we are now a commodity for purchase on the open market to the highest bidder.
Shame that so many don't know this. How the government has deceived the many.
The Canadian dilemma is walking around a mountain. You have two paths around it but they both end at the same point.
Do get me wrong any sock puppet can be a leader under any brand banner and colour. The key, is to understand who is the puppeteer?
Right now the political transition is nothing more than finding the face Canadians will cheer for while they go through a authoritarian regime change.
For that answer join me for The Why Perspective @
