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Writer's pictureJohn Adams - IDIOM RADIO

The Civil Societies Mercenaries Are At It Again

The title of the article linked below is: We do not accept you apology, activist tells Toronto police chief after race-based data released.

First and foremost, there is no actual data offered as a reference, Some groups are stopped and question is the claim by media and institution. So how are we to varify the claims being made in order to trust the claims themselves.

Remember, interest group members that represent the companion network of Civil Society, is used to pressure institutions and industry into resources stains and exhaustion. Once exhaustion is achieved, it is than presented to the public as failings. In turn the public demands for change. Change is at the cost to the public at large. BAIT AND SWITCH!

Making matters worse and dispelling these claims is the fact that the claimed discrepancies do not shown a per capita basis. What is the likelihood of a given race to be represented in a violent crime or a general level crime. Without such insights the picture being used to present reality is fraudulent at best.

I am not claiming things are perfect nor and I claim that change is not needed. Change should be a continues process that never ceases. But, and this is a big but, we can not let Civil Society to play us into counterintuitive and counterproductive change.

We need change that is for us and by us and not the interventionist. It is as easy as the claim its use of pressure, strain, and presented exhaustion as failings. This is the strategy that is being used to compel us into demanding our own self destruction.

I know my Canadian brothers and sister are far to wise to fall for this old and over played experiential marketing strategy to fleece us into destruction of self. Lets find the utility in the efforts and actions of the greed and ignorant lead that leverages us in pursuit.

This piece was inspired by this article

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